Osmosis across a semi-permeable membrane

In this first section, you can see osmosis in action.

  • The white dots represent solute molecules
  • The blue represents water
  • The dotted vertical line in the middle of the beaker represents a semi-permeable membrane
  • You can think of and visualise osmolality as "how bunched up the white dots are" within the compartment that contains them

Start by changing the number of solute molecules on each side of the semi-permeable membrane in the beaker, by adjusting the sliders at the top, and observing what happens.

Now let's analyse what's happening. Here are some important characteristics of such a system:

  • There are two compartments, left and right, separated by a membrane.
  • This membrane is completely permeable to water, but NOT permeable at all to solute
  • Due to the laws of physics, osmolality between neighbouring compartments will always equalise if it can.

Because of these characteristics:

  • Whenever there is a difference in osmolality between the two compartments, osmolality cannot equalise via moving of solute molecules. Instead, it equalises by water rushing in from the side with relatively less solute (more water) to the side with relatively more solute (less water) until osmolality is the same in both compartments. This is what is happening in response to you changing the solute level in either compartment.
  • A result of this behaviour is that the total volume of each side of the beaker is mainly determined by the amount of solute that side has. The side with more solute always has more water. This is because the system will always be adjusting to make the osmolality of the two compartments the same. You can confirm this by seeing that the amount of space any molecule has to move around is always roughly the same on both sides no matter what you do.
  • More specifically, the volume on each side is determined by:
    1. the total amount of water in the beaker
    2. the ratio of solute molecules on one side to the other
    The total water will always be shared between the compartments in the same ratio as the solute molecules.
  • If plain water is added to one compartment, then it will have some effect in increasing the water level of that compartment, but only because water is being added to the whole system. The system will once again adjust so that the total water is shared between compartments in a ratio corresponding to the amount of solute in each compartment. The overall effect is that any water added is always shared in this ratio.
  • So it is not possible to increase the volume of any specific compartment simply by adding water. If water is added to the side with more solute molecules already, then more of it will stay there, but if water is added to the side with less solute already, most of it will move to the other side.

Try this out with the following:

  1. Press the reset button to the left of the beaker
  2. Add lots of solute to the left side and remove lots of solute from the right side, using the sliders at the top.
  3. Try adding water to either side using the sliders at the bottom. What do you notice?

You should have noticed that no matter which side you add water to, it will end up increasing the volume of the left side. The reason is that this is the side with more solute.

The body is very similar:

  • As the solute of the extracellular component is mainly made up of sodium, changes in sodium have a large effect on the total amount of extracellular solute.
  • The body is made up of an intracellular fluid compartment and an extracellular fluid compartment which are separated by a semi-permeable membrane.

Click the button below to make the necessary replacements and see the similarities directly:

Next steps

I hope this helped you understand, as a general concept, how volume is so closely tied to amount of sodium, and also how the relative difference in osmolality across the whole body will always be minimised. With these points in mind, we're ready to consider the whole body and how it regulates both osmolality and volume.